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Random Machines

Milk Carrying Tank
Machinery Reference




In the age of communication and information technology, communication categories including speed and facility in establishing communication and its developing in the range of global communication, also information service including the process of analyzing and recognition of needed information ,gathering, process, classification of information, specifying the ways, instruments of information service to the people and finally updating the information are the main part of the life in developed and developing countries.

Nowadays in all the developed and developing countries internet network is used for presentation of information and internet has cut down borders between the countries and distances are meaningless. Internet is used for teaching, doing daily works, buying and selling, etc.

There are similar web sites all over the world. They are introduced to traders, buyers and searching engines with the investment of governments and private parties in order to introduce the industry of the country and in addition to domestic sale, they consider to exporting in these sites.


Aims of the Plan


It is the first specialized bank of information about machinery and machine manufacturer in Iran. Its aim is gathering the information of machine manufacturers and machineries in order to use for domestic market and also exporting to other countries. Site does its activities in multi language form.

Address is :

Website is available for other countries as :


Website shows machineries in specialized form along with picture, technical specification and information regarding the manufacturer of machinery. After selecting machinery by visitor of the site, manufacturer can give consultation about the machinery or equipment.

As technical specification of the machineries is available for all the visitors, site is best place for interchanging the information between the machinery manufacturers.

Importing technology from other countries is another important activity of the site.

This website helps us to receive primary information, in case of interest you can purchase and save time.


Advantages of the Plan


- Establishing a comprehensive bank of information classified to new machineries, used machineries,companies,machinery equipment and buying and selling offer.

-  Ability to primary introduction of machineries and showing technical specification without referring of buyers to manufactory or sales offices.

- Ability of making direct links to e-mail or website of manufacturer or representative.

- Ability of advanced searching in site according to technical specification including: name of the company, field of activity, etc.

- Ability of advanced searching of the equipments.

- Consulting to buyers and introduction of manufacturers for buying the best machine.

- Introduction of machinery manufactures along with their logo, resume  and contact information.

- Introduction of technical-engineering companies relating to industry along with their logo, resume and contact information including : industrial part manufacturers, mould manufacturers, automation, etc

-Website is introduced to searching engines as Yahoo, Google,…

- Ability to add information to site in simple way and by using prepared forms.

- Access to information in all the hours of day and night.

- Using cascade menus and categories for easiness of users.






iran machinery