Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut non turpis a nisi pretium rutrum. Nullam congue, lectus a aliquam pretium, sem urna tempus justo, malesuada consequat nunc diam vel justo. In faucibus elit at purus. Suspendisse dapibus lorem. Curabitur luctus mauris.
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1. Equiped with pneumatic for automatic to and fro of pedal (no needing an experienced operator) 2. High efficiency because of doing accurate lid clothing in equal times 3. One extra size at the request of the buyer 4. Equiped with automatic electrical control box 5. Able to operate, from 70 to 5000 grams cans 6. Average capacity 15 to 20 cans per minute 7. Power 0.75 KW
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